1/06/2019: Kabir presents poster on physics of epistasis + Arvind gives talk on clocks at the Gordon Conference on Stochastic physics + biology, Ventura, CA
10/09/2018: Jackson presents work on temporal pattern recognition using molecules at DNA24 (Jinan, China). Arvind gives plenary talk on computing using transients.
09/05/2018: Ex-UChicago undergrad Ryan Thiermann's preprint on the color of twilight is out on the bioRxiv.
07/09/2018: Menachem Stern gives invited talk on learning in mechanics at SIAM.
06/26/2018: Group presents work at Q-Bio 2018.
06/23/2018: Wee's and Zhiyue's paper on clocks accepted at eLife. Related experiments from the Rust lab accepted at Nature Communications.
04/04/2018: Kabir Husain joins the group.
11/20/2017: Menachem's paper on NP-hardness and folding accepted at PRX.
7/24/2017: Talk on Wee's circadian work + poster on Jackson's work at QBio 2017
Summer schools 2017: Wee and Jackson attend the Cargese biophysics school, Jackson goes to UIUC's biophysics school, Menachem at the Boulder summer school.
4/24/2017: Lenka Zdeborova (CEA/Saclay) visits.
3/24/2017: Menachem's origami paper accepted at Nature Communications.
3/16/2017: Weishun's paper on pattern recognition published in J. Stat. Phys.
3/6/2017: Menachem, Weishun present work at APS March meeting.
1/11/2017: Weishun's poster (with David Schwab, NU) accepted at COSYNE'17.
9/15/2016: Alan Selewa joins.
6/14/2016: Alexandra Carruthers arrives.
5/28/2016 : Weerapat Pittayakanchit arrives.
5/26/2016 : Weishun Zhong arrives.
5/19/2016 : Workshop on Aging and Failure in biology @ Harvard
4/14/2016 : FNANO 16 (Foundations of Nanoscience), Snowbird, UT
3/15/2016 : UIUC Condensed Matter Symposium.
2/19/2016 : Ryan Thiermann joins.
2/16/2016: Menachem Stern joins.
~ 2/9/2016 : Sheets 2016 workshop at KITP, Santa Barbara.
10/09/2018: Jackson presents work on temporal pattern recognition using molecules at DNA24 (Jinan, China). Arvind gives plenary talk on computing using transients.
09/05/2018: Ex-UChicago undergrad Ryan Thiermann's preprint on the color of twilight is out on the bioRxiv.
07/09/2018: Menachem Stern gives invited talk on learning in mechanics at SIAM.
06/26/2018: Group presents work at Q-Bio 2018.
06/23/2018: Wee's and Zhiyue's paper on clocks accepted at eLife. Related experiments from the Rust lab accepted at Nature Communications.
04/04/2018: Kabir Husain joins the group.
11/20/2017: Menachem's paper on NP-hardness and folding accepted at PRX.
7/24/2017: Talk on Wee's circadian work + poster on Jackson's work at QBio 2017
Summer schools 2017: Wee and Jackson attend the Cargese biophysics school, Jackson goes to UIUC's biophysics school, Menachem at the Boulder summer school.
4/24/2017: Lenka Zdeborova (CEA/Saclay) visits.
3/24/2017: Menachem's origami paper accepted at Nature Communications.
3/16/2017: Weishun's paper on pattern recognition published in J. Stat. Phys.
3/6/2017: Menachem, Weishun present work at APS March meeting.
1/11/2017: Weishun's poster (with David Schwab, NU) accepted at COSYNE'17.
9/15/2016: Alan Selewa joins.
6/14/2016: Alexandra Carruthers arrives.
5/28/2016 : Weerapat Pittayakanchit arrives.
5/26/2016 : Weishun Zhong arrives.
5/19/2016 : Workshop on Aging and Failure in biology @ Harvard
4/14/2016 : FNANO 16 (Foundations of Nanoscience), Snowbird, UT
3/15/2016 : UIUC Condensed Matter Symposium.
2/19/2016 : Ryan Thiermann joins.
2/16/2016: Menachem Stern joins.
~ 2/9/2016 : Sheets 2016 workshop at KITP, Santa Barbara.